

Today marked three weeks since I sucked off a cancer stick. Here's what I think...
I think smoking makes you cool and now I have to adjust to being a "normal" person. I put normal in quotation marks because my lack of smoking certainly hasn't cleaned my mouth up or made me stop thinking about violence.
I haven't noticed being able to smell any better than I used to, but I have again noticed how much this city smells like poo poo and pee pee in certain parts. Poo poo and pee pee are standing in for P*ss and Sh*t which are both words prohibited by F****dster.
As some of you may remember I was very hyper even through high school. This has returned much to my chagrin and I now have been exercising daily for two weeks. I run around my apartment and scare Nugget (Dave's cat) and Dave (Nugget's b*tch).
Throughout my appetite has remained consistently abusive.
So that's that. Three weeks and I'm apparently cured. I think I'll celebrate by taking up heroin.

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