
Mama don't take my Kodachrome down by the shoolyard

I bought a digital camera recently. For those of you not in the know, a digital camera is exactly like a film camera except it uses digital instead of film. Also when you want to see your film pictures you have to take them to Duane Reade and have "Jason" develop them and probably look at them before you do. With digital you just plug in a tube between your camera and a computer and the pictures go through that. It's really easy.
I got a little Canon 5 mega whozit ma jiggy camera. It's nice, it's about the size of a deck of cards, has a good sized display on the back so I can see what I'm doing and it's sturdy for dropping. It's ability to handle low light situations leaves something to be desired but that's sort of the curse of photography in general. The image resolution is good, a little grainy or whatever one calls the digital equivalent. All I know is my dick looks funny in my cock shots but the city scapes I took turned out very well.

I've taken enough pictures of myself at this point, the best example being my current Friendster picture as an old timey mayor or pirate as my friend Sarah suggested. I decided to do a series called "Lunch" where I take photos of what I'm eating each day. Here is yesterdays:

Of course this presents a problem since I eat the same four things every week. I don't know, there's a party this weekend where I'll get some good drunk pictures. I still need to develop the rolls I took on New Years... Still have to piece together those three missing hours.

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