
God Don't Make No Mistakes

People are always telling me "You can't sell slick to an oil can". I don't know if they mean that I personally can not, or if one in general is incapable of doing so... either way I'm not selling any slick to oil cans... whatever that means.

But I will tell you some things. First and foremost, don't go see "Idlewild". Many of you know that I love Outkast more than I love the three children I've fathered. They had a profound impact on my life, so it came as no surprise that I was at "Idlewild" on opening night.

Now, to be fair, recently Andre's been getting on my nerves. I know everyone's all up on his shit, saying he's so brilliant and creative... and it's true. But I didn't get into Andre because of his grand Pop sensibilities.

I got into Outkast, the duo, because they wrote some fucking great rap albums... not "Hey Ya'". Andre, for all his need for musical expression and "artistic" "freedom" needs to check himself before he wrecks himself. I like him as an actor, and I like him as a pop star, but he's one half of something amazing and he better recognize that. But back to the movie.

So, aside from some problems maintaining historical accuracry (Cab Calloway was not a rapper, and rap did not exist in the 30's... nor did modern Coke machines) the movie was fun. I mean, sure there was some weird stuff, Big Boi's talking flask or Andre's best friend the cat, but one learns to expect that kind of thing from Outkast, they're experimental. But what was this movie about? Andre and Big Boi are barely in it together, and when they are their characters hardly know each other, except for some tangential "boyhood friendship".

(who didn't like Macaully Culkin in Saved? Nobody, but having him play a young Andre? Weird... just plain weird)

Was it a story about 1930's bootlegging in Atlanta? Was it a musical about a gifted pianist, a cocky entertainer, and a beautiful dame with a great pair? Who knows, certainly not Dre, Big Boi or Brian Barber.

In the end it felt like a 2 hour rap video, and not a particularly good one at that. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I wanted something along the lines of Pink Floyd's "The Wall"... only with Outkast. Brian Barber may be a great music video director, but he's not much of a screenwriter. Also a musical to an album released three years ago might not be a good idea to then name after a brand new album that's barely featured in the movie.

And lastly, what's the guy from Zoobilee Zoo doing playing Andre's father? Is Andre just trying to explain why his character would befriend a talking cat? Is it because his Dad used to be a cat?

I need to stop Robotripping (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotripping) before movies.

So with all the hub bub around Outkast, the constant "Is Andre leaving" and Big Boi consistently stating that everything's fine, I'd just like to take this opportunity to point out that I am a rapper. So if you're Big Boi, and you're reading this blog... which I think is likely, know that I could completely take Andre's place... though we'd have to rename Aquemini to Aquancer or Cancarious.


Reel Fanatic said...

Great review .. I too was thoroughly baffled by Idlewild, mostly for its lack of musical numbers .. only two by Big Boi and none from Andre until the closing credits .. what's up with that? And where were the great new tracks like "Morris Brown"? A real disappointment

Anonymous said...

The saying goes "You aint said nothing slick to a can of oil." Whered did you get "you can't sell slick to a can of oil from"? That doesn't even make sense.

John Kingman said...

Big Boi would say "God don't make no mistakes" and then Dre would say "Can't sell slick to an oil can". They said it about fifty times in the movie, and it never made any sense.

Anonymous said...

"ain't no slick to a can of oil.." to be specific

Anonymous said...

o well i thought it was a great movie, it was sumthin out of the regular..but eh to each his own

Anonymous said...

All you'll who had something bad to say about IDLEWILD are obviously numb skulls. And also if u did not find since in...U aint said nothin slick to a can of oil...through-out the movie...u are not the brightest person on Earth! If u pay attention to the movie...every time it was stated...it had something to do with either the following or previous thing that happened! DUMBASSES

John Kingman said...

Now really, is there any need for name calling? I'd really like to keep this blog nice and clean for the kids... always for the kids.

Doo doo head.

Chelsea said...

I find it amusing how you “try” to be cunning and witty in your little “Ebert and Roeper” movie-critiquing article here. Call me bitter, but it seems unfortunate that someone claiming to love Outkast would shun this amazing movie and their soundtrack. But I understand your personal difficulty with this movie, considering you did not understand or hear correctly what Andre was saying throughout the entire movie. How unfortunate. I remember reading a quote from Andre and he said,
“I am a lover of all kinds of art. And I just can`t stick to one thing. I guess I could if I made myself, but I`d always be looking the other way, for other things.”
You can’t always dwell on how Outkast “use to be” you should celebrate their creativity, genius and diversity. But everyone is different and we all have our own opinions- and this is just mine.

Anonymous said...

... sorry... i still don't get it. i'm from germany and first i only got the european version of the dvd. when i noticed there was a deleted scene on the us version and you were speaking of a cat, i expected there was some stuff about percival and maybe a talking cat or stuff? but now i got this us version and i couldn't find a cat... so maybe i'm not as familiar with all the colloquial here or the cinema version still got some scenes that are not on dvd.... i'm confused... could you specify this "cat" thing a little, if you don't mind? :) that would be great, i really love that movie. :) thanks in advance, rgrds cait

Anonymous said...

Talk to me quick, Don't talk to slick

Anonymous said...

Talk 2 Me Quick, Don't Talk 2 Me Slick